University & Research

Finding Answers Together
Focusing on the mission ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) combines fundamental and applied knowledge in order to contribute to resolving important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment. Over 6,500 employees (over 5,500 fte) and more than 12,000 students are inspired by nature, society, and technology and tackle the issues with an open and curious perspective. This inspiration has enabled WUR to be amazed, develop knowledge, and apply this knowledge internationally for over a century. We collaborate with governments, companies, non-governmental organisations and other research institutes. For example, in finding answers to the problems threatening global banana production. One of the organisations we cooperate with in this research is Neder Banaan.

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-GA--20211124-FT3A0316-2048px-Foto Guy Ackermans