Floriade 2022 Amsterdam

NEXTgarden ready for the NEXTstep
NEXTgarden is a (greenhouse) horticultural development area of approximately 700 ha. Vegetables, plants and flowers are grown in the greenhouses. Some appealing plants are anthurium and orchids. When it comes to vegetables, you can think of peppers and eggplant. A lot of strawberries are grown in NEXTgarden.

The NEXTgarden area is located between the major cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen. The greenhouse horticulture companies, education and the government together ensure that horticulture within NEXTgarden is prepared for the future. A very important ambition is that NEXTgarden will be energy neutral by 2030. In collaboration with several partners, NEXTgarden ensures continuous improvement and innovation.

NEXTgarden is located in the region with the most 'green' knowledge in the world. Examples are WUR (Wageningen University and Research), Van Hall Larenstein (VHL) and HAS University of Applied Sciences. Together with these partners we facilitate horticultural experience.

Innovative projects that have been or will be realized within NEXTgarden are, for example, the cultivation of water lentils. An important goal is to investigate whether water lentils can be grown as a protein-rich food for humans. Two other examples of innovative projects are the cultivation of turmeric for use by various producers of herbs and spices. In addition, NEXTgarden is at an advanced stage in developing a horticultural experience center.

logo NEXTgarden Arnhem - Nijmegen
Foto NEXTgarden